Static Site Generator

How-to: How to use Stapy on Windows?

How to use Stapy on Windows?

Install Python

The Microsoft Store package is a simple installation of Python. It provides many convenient commands for launching Python and its tools.

Search the Microsoft Store app for Python. Ensure that the app you select is published by the Python Software Foundation, and install it.

Python on the Microsoft Store

To Install Python in another way on Windows, see the official Python installation documentation.

Download Stapy

Download the lastest Stapy release:


Unzip the archive in the folder you want.

Launch the server

Double-click on the file.

Then access the URL

Windows terminal

Stapy website

Edit the website

With your favorite text editor, edit and add pages to the website. We recommended using a text editor like Sublime Text.

Stapy with atom text editor


When the site is ready, build it by double-clicking on the file.
