Static Site Generator

How-to: How to host my static website for free?

How to host my static website for free?

There are many tools to publish your site for free:

And certainly still others.

In any case, you just have to share the content of the web/prod folder. Here is the way to host your website on GitHub Pages.


Step 1

Without a personal domain name, the website URL will be:, where username is your username on GitHub.

You can order a domain name from your favorite registrar like Gandi, or do it later.

Gandi domain

Step 2

Configure Stapy with the full host as the base URL for the prod environment:

+--- pages.json
  "url.local": "",
  "": ""

The website URL will be here: Without a personal domain name, set

Step 3

This step is optional without a personal domain mame.

We need to tell GitHub Pages our domain name. That can be done by creating a CNAME file containing the domain.

+--- assets
     +--- CNAME

The CNAME file in the assets directory will be copied to the website root.

Step 4

Build the website:

python build

On Windows double-click on

The website files to be published are now in the web/prod directory.

Step 5

On GitHub, create a new public repository named where username is your username on GitHub.

New GitHub repository

Step 6

Add files to the GitHub repository with:

1. Web interface (beginner)

You can upload files from the web/prod directory to GitHub with the web interface:

Upload files in GitHub

Drag all files, then commit.

2. Git Client (intermediate)

On Windows or macOS you can use a Git client like GitHub Desktop.

On Linux GitKraken is a good client.

3. Command line (expert)

Commit and push all the static files (web/prod) on the GitHub repository.

cd web/prod
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin{username}/{username}
git push -u origin main

Step 7

This step is optional without a personal domain mame.

From the registrar, edit the DNS zone and add a CNAME record for the www subdomain:

Step 8

On your GitHub repository, go to Settings > Pages. Enable Pages for the root directory on the main branch.

Add your custom domain ( and enforce HTTPS.

Note: GitHub waits for DNS propagation before generating the SSL certificate. This can take a while.
